High School Ambassador Program

Project Next

High School Ambassador Program

the high school ambassador program is open to any Student at our partner schools

Through the High School Ambassador Program, we are able to engage students in our foundation, our partner schools and school districts, and the greater community, as well as help them gain invaluable workplace skills and grow their professional networks. As ambassadors, students have the opportunity to develop and flex their skills in leadership, public speaking, organization, collaboration (with both peers and adults), and service to others. Each of our ambassadors brings their unique perspective to our team, enabling us to keep a strong student voice at the forefront of all we do.

Our Ambassadors

Mission Hills High School

San Marcos High School

Escondido High School

program applications

Applications for 2025-2026 are now open and will close on April 27th

Contact jenny@projectnext.org with any questions.

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